Thursday, April 1, 2010

Campbell's First Official Spring Break

So, Campbell goes to preschool 2 days a week. This was her first official spring break so I wanted it to be a super fun week, especially the days she goes to school...Tuesday and Thursday. Day 1 (Tuesday), we packed our lunches and went to the was a bit windy and a little cool but we ate our lunch and then played at the park. Then we went to McDonalds and both Campbell and Cooper had their own chocolate shake. They drank them in the car while mommy fed Collier. Cooper has barely had naps this week because we have been gone so much, poor guy. We got home, Cooper took a short nap and then we were back at it...outside again. We are sooooo excited that we have been able to play outside this week. On Wednesday (Day 2), we went to story time at Barnes and Noble (our first time ever) and it was really great...songs, puppets, books, arts and crafts. Then we went to the pet store and saw the kitty cats and birds. We met a friend at Chick Fil A for lunch and played for just a few there. After lunch, we went to our neighborhood park and played with some friends for an hour and a half. Nap time for Cooper...short nap time! Campbell wanted to go eat lunch with her Daddy during her Spring break so that is what we did on Thursday (Day 3). This takes a big chunk of the day because it is a 40 minute drive each way. We had lots of fun walking the halls of Lilly and visiting with people. The highlight of the lunch trip is that we have to park at the visitor center and take a shuttle over to Jeff's building. You should have seen me getting 3 kids on and off that shuttle...not pretty and not quick! We have had a great week but I am so is exhausting having this much fun. Tomorrow (Friday) we are going to meet one of Campbell's classmates at the park and then come home and decorate Easter Eggs! Another 80 degree day in Indy!

Yummy lunch at the park

Jacket and, we are ready to play

Yummy...did i mention they drank most of it

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