Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Easter...way late post

Easter was a great day with our family. We really focused on why we have Easter, especially for Campbell. She has a little book about Easter and can read it to us. So, today we asked her what happened on that first Easter and she said, "Jesus has risen, He is alive." So cool hearing that from our 3 year old. Who knows, we may ask her tomorrow and she may say something else but atleast she has an idea.
So, the Easter bunny did come to our house and left goodies for all 3 kiddos. Cooper kept opening his Easter eggs and eating jelly beans although we asked him not too...ha! ha! We decorated Easter eggs...super messy...not so much fun for mommy...but Campbell and Cooper had a good time. We also had an Easter egg hunt at one or our neighbors' house. It was a lot of fun!

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