Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pics taken this week

Daddy had to sit with the bunny...Coop was not a fan

Look at our loot!

"This is what we did while Mommy showered!"

...hangin' in the Bumbo

I am trying to push up!

Wintry Hunt

Ok, today was our 1st Easter Egg Hunt of the season. The wind was blowing about 20 mph and it was an overcast sky. So, the hunt started at 3:00 and we were back at the car by 3:12. We hunted our eggs and had our picture made with the Easter bunny in that amount of time. The Jordans know how to hunt eggs! Collier slept through the entire hunt in the baby carrier. She did not even see the Easter bunny!
Collier had her 3 month pictures made this week. She was awake and smiling for all of them! They are adorable. She had a weigh in this week too. She tipped the scale at 9 lbs. 9 ounces. So, she is getting bigger but still small.
We played outside a lot this week too. You should see Cooper on his motorized Kawasaki...he knows how to push the button to go but does not know a thing about steering. We are working on that. He really likes for Campbell to drive him around in her pink Barbie Jeep. He controls the radio. Daddy took out the screw so her jeep drives in fast mode now. She loves it and just takes off. We can no longer walk and keep up with her driving. We have to hoof it to keep up with her in the Jeep. Luckily, she is much better at steering than Cooper!
Campbell has been taking swim lessons too. She has been doing so well. This week, she was a rock star! The teacher was asking her to show the other little boy how to do the skills they were practicing. When the lesson was over, another set of parents went up to Campbell and told her how well she did at the lesson too. We are just trying to keep encouraging her. So far, she still likes the water.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

"Look Mommy! I can feed myself!"

Happy Girl

Short and Sweet

This is going to be short and sweet but just wanted to update you about Collier and all that she has been doing lately. Of course, she is grinning all of the time and cooing. She will be 3 months old next week...crazy! Collier has been having a good ole' time rolling from her back to her tummy and back to her back. She is one busy little baby girl. Today, she held her bottle briefly during one of her feedings. Hopefully, she will not be walking next week...haha! She loves to see the world around her. If she is in the baby carrier facing me, she turns her head to out of the snuggling with mommy then. Several times in her car seat, I have seen her try to sit up. So much happens so quickly, just wanted all of you to know what Collier was into this week.
Campbell had swim lessons this week and is loving it. Cooper has been tagging along and wants to go swimming too. I told him when he gets potty trained he can...not sure that was enough motivation for him though.
Hopefully, I will be able to blog again this week...daddy is home...yea!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Final Court Date...Collier Greer Jordan is official

Along with other important days in the year, March 4, 2010 is a day we will never forget and will always celebrate. It is the day that Collier Greer Jordan became officially our child. It was a wonderful day! Nana and Pop were here to attend the court hearing with us. We all got dressed up and went to see the judge. There were 4 other families who were also having their final court date as well. Our attorney said that adoptions are the judges favorite kind of cases. They(the judges) get their picture made with the families and even get their own photo album of their adoptive families. Collier was definitely the "belle of the ball". Everyone was ooohing and aaahing her. Pop was standing in the lobby holding her while we waited for our copy of the final adoption decree and he kept getting bombarded by people who wanted to see her and ask about her. A group of women even came out their office to see her because someone had gone to tell them they needed to come see the baby in the lobby! I don't think Pop minded the attention one bit. After our time at the court house, we came home to open presents and eat cake and ice cream. Campbell and Cooper loved Collier's pink cake! Although, we have been loving on Collier since she was born on Dec. 17, 2009, it was great to have the final court date. We have truly enjoyed our adoption journey thus far and look forward to many more days and years with Collier, Campbell, and Cooper!