Sunday, February 28, 2010

Our weekend...and more

Our weekend included...hanging out with friends, Campbell and soccer, Mexican food (of course), church, more hanging out with friends, and WATCHING the Olympics. Campbell wants to go snow skiing now...little does she know it is not as easy as the athletes make it appear. We all watched the U.S.A. vs. Canada Gold Medal was exciting! We even wore blue and white for the game. We skyped with lots of family members this weekend too. Whoa, talk about exhausting...Cooper or Campbell don't get the concept..."Sit Still" they were popping in and out of the camera. Collier cried part of the time...i am sure that was pleasant for everyone. Needless to say, conversations are not really succinct but at least we all get a glimpse of one another. Today, Jeff and I were sitting down...i don't get to do that often with 3 kids but today, it happened. As soon as you get your bottom on the couch are swarming to sit on you, climb on you, hang on you, play on is like a swarm of bees on one point Jeff looked at me and I said, "This is why I don't sit down all week!" It is so not relaxing! They all want to be in a lap at the same time! Campbell and Cooper really do love each other and in the car on the way home from church today, they shared it with one another. It was back and forth...Campbell telling Coop "I love you" and Cooper saying back..."I You"(that is his version). It is sweet to hear them and see them showing each other their love. Well just wanted to share a little Jordan family time with you and post some pics!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I love my kids but they wear me out!

What do I say but "wow". All is sounds wonderful. My kids are so great, but they still have moments that wear me out! Cooper is almost 2, do I need to say more? Collier is a 2 month old still trying to figure things out..."don't worry, Collier, so is your mommy...trying to figure it all out". And Campbell is a 3 1/2 year old GIRL!! We have had a great week with Daddy being out of town but Mommy is tired! Collier had her 2 month check up (a week late) and she weighed in at 8 pounds, 9 ounces so she has gained 5 ounces since her one month check up. She is definitely petite. She got 2 shots and an oral vaccine. Bless her heart, her little face turns bright red and then she opens her mouth wide to scream and its this little cry that comes out...heartbreaking. Cooper was so good at the doctor's office, I was really proud of him. Cooper is just getting to be such a big boy, did I mention he drinks out of a regular cup now...and is really good at it! Campbell is so proud of her baby brother. Cooper had friends come over for a playdate this morning while Campbell was at school. Yea, they all (3 of them) played independently, but hey, they were all in the same room with the same toys. Not a lot to speak of but wanted to give the update on Collier. Off to have some ME time.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

1st blog ever

Ok, so we have decided to try this blogging thing. Who knows, we will see how it goes. I thought it would be a great way to put my thoughts down and to share what is happening with the Jordan Crew. Campbell got her big girl furniture this week and has been loving sleeping in her new bed. It is great! She actually asked me to take a nap with her in the bed today. It was tough and she had to do some twisting of my arm, but I did it. Her bed is super comfy! Cooper is such a cutie, he has just been talking and talking. He definitely keeps up with Campbell. They are sooo fun together. He has been going on the potty some too. Yea! We will see how it goes, I am trying not to push. However, it would be so nice to only have one in diapers. Collier has been smiling a ton this week. Her personality is really starting to show. I will look down at her as I hold her and she will just be looking at me and smiling. It is precious. Tonight, after I fed her, she was talking it up. I even think she said "I love you". It's the thought that counts, right? Anyways, the Jordans are doing very well. Of course, we love the weekends when Daddy is home too.