Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Baby Boy...

In His Big Boy Bed!! He kept asking me where his other bed went....so cute! I cannot believe we only have 1 crib left in the house.
Campbell was so supportive and excited for him!

Getting Ready for Halloween

We had such a fun day! We spent most of the day getting in the Halloween spirit. We started with a nutritious breakfast of Count Chocula. After that we made one of our Halloween treats for the day...frozen banana ghosts. This was followed by many Halloween arts and crafts...an egg carton spider, hand print bats, footprint ghosts, "Thumbkin" patches and some coloring. We also enjoyed a morning snack of ghoulish mouth. It was a wonderful day and I look forward to doing more days like this with the kiddos.

Friday, September 3, 2010

We are Texans now!

So, we have been in our house for almost 2 weeks now. We are NOT settled yet. Hopefully, in a couple of more weeks I will have the boxes unloaded. it doesn't go very quickly with 3 kids! We have already had our first visitors...Nana and Pop...passing through to and from San Antonio. It was great to have them here. Campbell and Cooper have started school. Campbell is in Pre-K and goes part time 3 days a week. Cooper is going to school for the first time. He goes one day a week. I don't think he stopped smiling when I picked him up from his first day. They take a nap in his class. When I got to his room, his teachers shared with me what he thought about during nap time. The teacher said that during the first few weeks, they rub the kids' backs to help them go to sleep. Well, she was rubbing Cooper's back and he looked at her and said, "What are you doing?" She said, "helping you fall asleep". Cooper responded with, "I'm okay." And he went to sleep, no problem. The move does not seem to have phased him too much. Although last night, I was putting him down and he asked when we were going home (i guess he meant in indy) and I explained that this was our home now. He wanted to know what happened to our other house...so sweet. Campbell has been okay. I think she is the most bothered by the move. She talks about Indy a lot. She really likes school though and has made some new friends. She starts soccer this week too, so that will be good for her. We went to church on Sunday and she went to her class. She loved it! So, I know she really misses playing with her friends. Collier has been exploring our new house on all fours but I think she will be walking soon.
The weather has really not been too hot either. The first week was rough but it has cooled off a little. We have been playing out in the back yard. We went to the pool this last weekend. It is the coolest pool ever. It has a tanning ledge, a splash park inside the pool fence, and 2 water slides(not slides that go in the pool, i mean water slides). We had so much fun! I am slowly learning my way around or at least to the places that I need to go to like the grocery store, target, etc.
Jeff is really liking his job. I think he enjoys being out of the office.
Texas definitely does not feel like home yet but I am sure it will in the future. As soon as I get the house in order, I will post some pics.

Friday, July 23, 2010

"Big Boy" and more...

Cooper is so excited because he is officially a "big boy". Yes, last Tuesday afternoon he decided he wanted to wear underwear. So, I started potty training. He is doing so great! Yes, he still has accidents but not many. He is wearing a pull-up at nap time and night night time (plus he almost always keeps them dry). We are soooo proud of him. The first couple of days were hard for us and him but he is rockin' and rollin' now. He does not always tell us but we take him every hour to 1 1/2 hours and he holds it until then...so for being 2 years and 3 months old tomorrow, I think Cooper is doing awesome.
Collier is 7 months old now. She is loving baby food, eating like a champ. She is not partial to anything in particular and does not turn down any of it including the "green" stuff. She is also pulling up on stuff. She is soooo active and is loving playing with Cooper and Campbell.
Campbell is such a great big sister to both Cooper and Collier. She has been very encouraging and excited for Cooper as he learns to go "potty". She is such a little mommy. She had her 4 year check up this summer and had to get a shot. Collier had her 6 month check up at the same time and had to get 4 shots. Campbell volunteered to go first. She did not shed a tear. I was so proud of her!
On the moving side of things, we bought a house in Keller, TX. Our house here has sold. The moving truck is coming August 16.
This summer has absolutely gone by too fast. We have made some incredible memories and look forward to new adventures in "cowboy" country.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Whoa...so much going on at our house

I do not even know where to begin so I will just get to the point...our life has been crazy lately! After Cooper turned 2...the craziness continued. Jeff was reallocated at Lilly so that means he was told he did not have a job and needed to find one...OK?? So, he began looking both here in Indy and other places. He interviewed and he actually came out "a winner"...back to this in a moment. In the meantime, I ran a half marathon, there was mother's day...my 1st with our sweet Collier...have I told you how much I love being the mommy of my 3 precious children...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!! Then we went to Birmingham to have Collier's infant baptism at Oak Mountain Presbyterian...the same church where both Campbell and Cooper were baptized. That was a long, quick trip. We got to Birmingham on a Friday afternoon and left Sunday after church. It was great though! We saw some great friends and hung out with family...wish we could have seen more of our friends! Back to "the winner"...Jeff was promoted to a district sales manager. It is a great opportunity for him and our family. So, we will be loading up the fam and moving to...Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Did I tell you how HOT it is there...highs in the low 100's for the next 2 weeks...so I guess we will be inside in the summer there and outside in the winter...exactly opposite of here... But, all of the Jordans are excited and ready to get our cowboy boots on... Next, we have Campbell's birthday party...she is turning 4 on June 16th. I cannot believe that...where has the time gone?...where is my baby girl? Ok, this was the totally abbreviated story...did I mention that we have also been trying to get our house ready to put on the market too...Done...lock box on...sign in yard Friday or Saturday...Let the selling begin! I will get some updated pics up soon. Campbell's party is this Saturday!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cooper Turns 2

April 24th, this past Saturday was Cooper's 2nd birthday and his party. We had a Cowboy Party. Due to rain, we had his party in the garage. It actually turned out pretty good...Cooper had so much fun! Nana and Pop were here for the party. We all participated by putting on our cowboy gear!

Cooper's birthday breakfast!

Collier was taking a nap...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Aunt Jerri, Cousin Ann Marie, and Cousin Gabe visit for Spring Break

We had such a wonderful week with Aunt Jerri and our cousins. The boys, Cooper and Gabe are 4 days apart in age. They played together. And, of course, the girls had a blast. Unfortunately, it was only warm the first they got here so we played outside that afternoon. Monkey Joes was so much fun too. I think the boys had more fun than the girls... On Thursday of the visit, we had a picture made. Whew! Getting 5 kids to take a successful picture was a lot of work. Jerri and I felt it went really well, no one was crying in the picture....we say SUCCESS! Nana and Pop wanted a picture of all the grandbabies. Hopefully, they were happy with the picture! We also went to the Children's Museum while they were here. There were 2 special exhibits going on...Barbie (great for the girls) and Bob the Builder (great for the boys). We were there for over 3 hours and basically just saw these 2 exhibits. There was also a great big slide from the second floor to the 1st floor. We all slid down, even Collier, in mommy's Baby Bjorn. We were very sad to see them leave...the house was so quiet. Cannot wait to do it again!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Easter...way late post

Easter was a great day with our family. We really focused on why we have Easter, especially for Campbell. She has a little book about Easter and can read it to us. So, today we asked her what happened on that first Easter and she said, "Jesus has risen, He is alive." So cool hearing that from our 3 year old. Who knows, we may ask her tomorrow and she may say something else but atleast she has an idea.
So, the Easter bunny did come to our house and left goodies for all 3 kiddos. Cooper kept opening his Easter eggs and eating jelly beans although we asked him not too...ha! ha! We decorated Easter eggs...super messy...not so much fun for mommy...but Campbell and Cooper had a good time. We also had an Easter egg hunt at one or our neighbors' house. It was a lot of fun!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Campbell's First Official Spring Break

So, Campbell goes to preschool 2 days a week. This was her first official spring break so I wanted it to be a super fun week, especially the days she goes to school...Tuesday and Thursday. Day 1 (Tuesday), we packed our lunches and went to the park...it was a bit windy and a little cool but we ate our lunch and then played at the park. Then we went to McDonalds and both Campbell and Cooper had their own chocolate shake. They drank them in the car while mommy fed Collier. Cooper has barely had naps this week because we have been gone so much, poor guy. We got home, Cooper took a short nap and then we were back at it...outside again. We are sooooo excited that we have been able to play outside this week. On Wednesday (Day 2), we went to story time at Barnes and Noble (our first time ever) and it was really great...songs, puppets, books, arts and crafts. Then we went to the pet store and saw the kitty cats and birds. We met a friend at Chick Fil A for lunch and played for just a few there. After lunch, we went to our neighborhood park and played with some friends for an hour and a half. Nap time for Cooper...short nap time! Campbell wanted to go eat lunch with her Daddy during her Spring break so that is what we did on Thursday (Day 3). This takes a big chunk of the day because it is a 40 minute drive each way. We had lots of fun walking the halls of Lilly and visiting with people. The highlight of the lunch trip is that we have to park at the visitor center and take a shuttle over to Jeff's building. You should have seen me getting 3 kids on and off that shuttle...not pretty and not quick! We have had a great week but I am so tired...it is exhausting having this much fun. Tomorrow (Friday) we are going to meet one of Campbell's classmates at the park and then come home and decorate Easter Eggs! Another 80 degree day in Indy!

Yummy lunch at the park

Jacket and sweatshirt...now, we are ready to play

Yummy...did i mention they drank most of it

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pics taken this week

Daddy had to sit with the bunny...Coop was not a fan

Look at our loot!

"This is what we did while Mommy showered!"

...hangin' in the Bumbo

I am trying to push up!

Wintry Hunt

Ok, today was our 1st Easter Egg Hunt of the season. The wind was blowing about 20 mph and it was an overcast sky. So, the hunt started at 3:00 and we were back at the car by 3:12. We hunted our eggs and had our picture made with the Easter bunny in that amount of time. The Jordans know how to hunt eggs! Collier slept through the entire hunt in the baby carrier. She did not even see the Easter bunny!
Collier had her 3 month pictures made this week. She was awake and smiling for all of them! They are adorable. She had a weigh in this week too. She tipped the scale at 9 lbs. 9 ounces. So, she is getting bigger but still small.
We played outside a lot this week too. You should see Cooper on his motorized Kawasaki...he knows how to push the button to go but does not know a thing about steering. We are working on that. He really likes for Campbell to drive him around in her pink Barbie Jeep. He controls the radio. Daddy took out the screw so her jeep drives in fast mode now. She loves it and just takes off. We can no longer walk and keep up with her driving. We have to hoof it to keep up with her in the Jeep. Luckily, she is much better at steering than Cooper!
Campbell has been taking swim lessons too. She has been doing so well. This week, she was a rock star! The teacher was asking her to show the other little boy how to do the skills they were practicing. When the lesson was over, another set of parents went up to Campbell and told her how well she did at the lesson too. We are just trying to keep encouraging her. So far, she still likes the water.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

"Look Mommy! I can feed myself!"

Happy Girl

Short and Sweet

This is going to be short and sweet but just wanted to update you about Collier and all that she has been doing lately. Of course, she is grinning all of the time and cooing. She will be 3 months old next week...crazy! Collier has been having a good ole' time rolling from her back to her tummy and back to her back. She is one busy little baby girl. Today, she held her bottle briefly during one of her feedings. Hopefully, she will not be walking next week...haha! She loves to see the world around her. If she is in the baby carrier facing me, she turns her head to out of the side...no snuggling with mommy then. Several times in her car seat, I have seen her try to sit up. So much happens so quickly, just wanted all of you to know what Collier was into this week.
Campbell had swim lessons this week and is loving it. Cooper has been tagging along and wants to go swimming too. I told him when he gets potty trained he can...not sure that was enough motivation for him though.
Hopefully, I will be able to blog again this week...daddy is home...yea!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Final Court Date...Collier Greer Jordan is official

Along with other important days in the year, March 4, 2010 is a day we will never forget and will always celebrate. It is the day that Collier Greer Jordan became officially our child. It was a wonderful day! Nana and Pop were here to attend the court hearing with us. We all got dressed up and went to see the judge. There were 4 other families who were also having their final court date as well. Our attorney said that adoptions are the judges favorite kind of cases. They(the judges) get their picture made with the families and even get their own photo album of their adoptive families. Collier was definitely the "belle of the ball". Everyone was ooohing and aaahing her. Pop was standing in the lobby holding her while we waited for our copy of the final adoption decree and he kept getting bombarded by people who wanted to see her and ask about her. A group of women even came out their office to see her because someone had gone to tell them they needed to come see the baby in the lobby! I don't think Pop minded the attention one bit. After our time at the court house, we came home to open presents and eat cake and ice cream. Campbell and Cooper loved Collier's pink cake! Although, we have been loving on Collier since she was born on Dec. 17, 2009, it was great to have the final court date. We have truly enjoyed our adoption journey thus far and look forward to many more days and years with Collier, Campbell, and Cooper!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Our weekend...and more

Our weekend included...hanging out with friends, Campbell and soccer, Mexican food (of course), church, more hanging out with friends, and WATCHING the Olympics. Campbell wants to go snow skiing now...little does she know it is not as easy as the athletes make it appear. We all watched the U.S.A. vs. Canada Gold Medal Game...it was exciting! We even wore blue and white for the game. We skyped with lots of family members this weekend too. Whoa, talk about exhausting...Cooper or Campbell don't get the concept..."Sit Still"...so they were popping in and out of the camera. Collier cried part of the time...i am sure that was pleasant for everyone. Needless to say, conversations are not really succinct but at least we all get a glimpse of one another. Today, Jeff and I were sitting down...i don't get to do that often with 3 kids but today, it happened. As soon as you get your bottom on the couch cushion...kids are swarming to sit on you, climb on you, hang on you, play on you...it is like a swarm of bees on honey...at one point Jeff looked at me and I said, "This is why I don't sit down all week!" It is so not relaxing! They all want to be in a lap at the same time! Campbell and Cooper really do love each other and in the car on the way home from church today, they shared it with one another. It was back and forth...Campbell telling Coop "I love you" and Cooper saying back..."I You"(that is his version). It is sweet to hear them and see them showing each other their love. Well just wanted to share a little Jordan family time with you and post some pics!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I love my kids but they wear me out!

What do I say but "wow". All is quiet...it sounds wonderful. My kids are so great, but they still have moments that wear me out! Cooper is almost 2, do I need to say more? Collier is a 2 month old still trying to figure things out..."don't worry, Collier, so is your mommy...trying to figure it all out". And Campbell is a 3 1/2 year old GIRL!! We have had a great week with Daddy being out of town but Mommy is tired! Collier had her 2 month check up (a week late) and she weighed in at 8 pounds, 9 ounces so she has gained 5 ounces since her one month check up. She is definitely petite. She got 2 shots and an oral vaccine. Bless her heart, her little face turns bright red and then she opens her mouth wide to scream and its this little cry that comes out...heartbreaking. Cooper was so good at the doctor's office, I was really proud of him. Cooper is just getting to be such a big boy, did I mention he drinks out of a regular cup now...and is really good at it! Campbell is so proud of her baby brother. Cooper had friends come over for a playdate this morning while Campbell was at school. Yea, they all (3 of them) played independently, but hey, they were all in the same room with the same toys. Not a lot to speak of but wanted to give the update on Collier. Off to have some ME time.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

1st blog ever

Ok, so we have decided to try this blogging thing. Who knows, we will see how it goes. I thought it would be a great way to put my thoughts down and to share what is happening with the Jordan Crew. Campbell got her big girl furniture this week and has been loving sleeping in her new bed. It is great! She actually asked me to take a nap with her in the bed today. It was tough and she had to do some twisting of my arm, but I did it. Her bed is super comfy! Cooper is such a cutie, he has just been talking and talking. He definitely keeps up with Campbell. They are sooo fun together. He has been going on the potty some too. Yea! We will see how it goes, I am trying not to push. However, it would be so nice to only have one in diapers. Collier has been smiling a ton this week. Her personality is really starting to show. I will look down at her as I hold her and she will just be looking at me and smiling. It is precious. Tonight, after I fed her, she was talking it up. I even think she said "I love you". It's the thought that counts, right? Anyways, the Jordans are doing very well. Of course, we love the weekends when Daddy is home too.