Saturday, February 20, 2010

1st blog ever

Ok, so we have decided to try this blogging thing. Who knows, we will see how it goes. I thought it would be a great way to put my thoughts down and to share what is happening with the Jordan Crew. Campbell got her big girl furniture this week and has been loving sleeping in her new bed. It is great! She actually asked me to take a nap with her in the bed today. It was tough and she had to do some twisting of my arm, but I did it. Her bed is super comfy! Cooper is such a cutie, he has just been talking and talking. He definitely keeps up with Campbell. They are sooo fun together. He has been going on the potty some too. Yea! We will see how it goes, I am trying not to push. However, it would be so nice to only have one in diapers. Collier has been smiling a ton this week. Her personality is really starting to show. I will look down at her as I hold her and she will just be looking at me and smiling. It is precious. Tonight, after I fed her, she was talking it up. I even think she said "I love you". It's the thought that counts, right? Anyways, the Jordans are doing very well. Of course, we love the weekends when Daddy is home too.

1 comment:

  1. Yea! So glad you have entered the blogging world too :) It's such a great way to keep in touch. Check ours out sometime :
    Tell Jeff we said hello!
